The sentence, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, popped into my head this morning. Delivered by my friend White Waters as a Spiritual FedEx. That’s what I call deliveries from the realms of Light. Researching the source, I found that Billy Ocean sang a song to this theme. Copy this link:
On this Fourth of July, 2024, democracy is in a precarious position. We have a choice to show up, be heard, exercise our voices and votes, or, crawl back into the Cave. By Cave, I mean the Cave as described by Plato in his book, The Republic. Said cave is where the mass of humanity has been residing for eons. Cave consciousness is limited by the structures that give the illusion of a complete and desirable world. Unfortunately, this particular world is imploding. We are living in the time of the Sixth Extinction. We are living in the time of the changing of the worlds that has long been predicted.
For change of substance to occur, what Dr. Paul Watzlawick called Second Order Change, humanity must come out of the illusory cozy cave and take the great leap to a higher plane of awareness. Recreating the same old-same old will not suffice. Humanity must do something significantly different from what it has been doing. The impact of second order change would upgrade the consciousness of the entire collective of humanity. The time to come out of the Cave is NOW. There is nothing to fear. Not really. Fear is a program that is no longer relevant and one that is meant to stop us from showing up.
Now is not the time to give up.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
Freedom is precious.
Stand up and be counted!
To Freedom!
*Plato, The Republic, Penguin Classics, September 1955.
**Watzlawick, Paul, John H. Weakland, Richard Fisch, Change, W.W. Norton & Company, April 25, 2011.
© Barbara J. Woolley, Spiritual FedEx recipient, Thursday, July 4, 2024. Please share with others. If you would like to be on my blog email list, please subscribe through my website: