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oh my...mea culpa

If you add some blush to this little one's face you would be me! Yesterday I sent out a post to announce a course that I am teaching, Connecting with Your Spirit Guides. In the announcement formatting, it appears that I am offering the class for folks with dementia. That would be an interesting idea, really, since dementia patients are in direct contact with all kinds of spirits. But the fact is that I am not. The class will be held in Mays Landing, NJ, at the Earth Angels Center for Healing Arts. The Center's origin is in providing support for caregivers, but has evolved into much more. Just wanted to set the record straight.

And look-this precious little being showed up on the first day of March to bring in the winds of change and the energy of the leprechauns! Maybe that's it, that some mischief is afoot. Could be...years ago our wee friends hid Tanis Helliwell's book, Summer with the Leprechauns, on me. It up and disappeared until the day AFTER St. Patrick's Day. Now if that wasn't a hilarious lesson!

In any event, dear friends, hello to you on this first day of March 2022. May our hearts be joined in loving the people of the Ukraine who are under siege and the Russian people who are bravely standing up to speak out, and, to every living being who is impacted. That's all of us. To move into the FIFTH WORLD OF UNITY we must dig down deeply to approach everyone and everything with love and compassion. We are meant to love one another.

I wish each of you well. Keep your vibration high and in the Spirit of Love.


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