Wednesday, August 29, 2024, marked the 61st anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr’s remarkable “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. Scant attention was given in the media which has been otherwise focused on campaign vitriol.
I wish to honor the empowering, way-showing, visionary teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr., a true man of God who spoke with the force, love and power of God. His speeches and writings are as relevant today as they were when he was alive.
Here are two links you might choose to pursue: and
Please, let us remember that individual voices and actions joined for the common good, health, well-being, liberation and upliftment of all people really can make a difference. Let us remember to take the high road.
I am ever humbled by Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King, and all the amazing souls who rose up to spearhead the Civil Rights Movement. The initiative they so courageously set in motion is far from done. The gains made-these are our responsibility to uphold and take further along the pathway to true freedom.
And, so it is.
Barb Woolley
© Barbara J. Woolley, Messenger, Friday, August 30, 2024. Please share this post. I ask that you do so in its entirety. If you would like to receive blogs via email, you can subscribe through my website: Thank you.